Health Services

Littleton Public Schools contracts with Children's Hospital Colorado to provide School Nurse Consultants.

Emily Heinz, Health Clerk
Office: 303-347-6934
Fax: 303-347-6939

Margie Bradley BSN, RN
provides services for the following schools:

  • ChildFind
  • Field Elementary
  • Littleton Academy
  • Littleton Prep
  • Sandburg Elementary
  • The Village ECE


Kim Gates BSN, RN
provides services for the following schools:

  • Euclid Middle School
  • Lenski Elementary
  • Little Raven Elementary
  • Options Secondary Program


Nicole Guider BSN, RN
provides services for the following schools:

  • Centennial Academy
  • Dr. Justina Ford Elementary
  • Next/ Voyager
  • Powell Middle School
  • Transition Services
  • Wilder Elementary


Phyli Forsberg MSN, RN
provides services for the following schools:

  • Goddard Middle School
  • Heritage High School
  • Runyon Elementary


Katie Maldonado BSN, RN, NCSN
provides services for the following schools:

  • Arapahoe High School
  • Hopkins Elementary


Megan Pruett BSN, RN AE-C
provides services for the following schools:

  • EPIC
  • Gudy Gaskill Elementary
  • Littleton High School
  • Newton Middle School
  • NOVA Center

Health Resources

COVID-19 exclusion criteria applies to both students and staff in schools and childcares:

  • Children and staff should remain out of school or child care until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms have been improving for 24 hours.
  • For additional information, please refer to the How Sick is Too Sick Guidelines below. Covid-19 is included with Respiratory viruses on page 5

How Sick Is Too Sick (English)

How Sick is Too Sick (Spanish)

RVG Summary Snapshot

Influenza Fact Sheet (English) (Spanish)

Preventing the Flu

Staying Healthy

Staying Healthy (Spanish)

Information on Head Lice

Food Allergy Guide

Health Plans and Medication Resources

*Please contact your school’s Nurse Consultant if you are initiating or updating a health plan for your student.  

Elementary School Student Health Plans

Severe Allergy Plan

Asthma Care Plan

Seizure Action Plan

Middle School and High School Student Health Plans

*If your student will be self-carrying and self-administering medications, a health plan is still required if the intent is for staff to be aware of your student’s health condition and if they are expected to assist in emergencies.  

Severe Allergy Plan

Severe Allergy Plan with Self Carry

Asthma Care Plan with Self Carry

Seizure Action Plan

Resources for Families Needing a Health Plan for Diabetes

Medication Resources

*If your student’s medications are already included in a health care plan and are signed by both the provider and parent, an additional Medication Form is not required.  

Medication Authorization Form

Medication Authorization Form Spanish

Student Insurance

Littleton Public Schools has selected the Student Insurance Plan from UnitedHealthcare to make reliable coverage available to parents. If you don't have other insurance, this plan may be a resource to consider. Additionally, even if you have other coverage this plan can fill expensive "gaps" caused by deductibles and co-pays. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year by visiting the K-12 Student Accident Insurance website.

Planning for the end of Continuous Coverage for Health First Colorado (Medicaid)

Health First Colorado (Medicaid) and CHP+ will return to normal eligibility renewal processes with renewals due in May and noticing beginning in March 2023. The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) will take 12 months to complete renewals.

If you are currently enrolled in Medicaid you should:

  • Update your contact information so you can be reached
  • Respond to and sign renewal paperwork to make sure you keep your Medicaid coverage if you are still eligible

Learn more about the renewal process