Littleton Public Schools contracts with Children's Hospital Colorado to provide School Nurse Consultants.
Emily Heinz, Health Clerk
Office: 303-347-6934
Fax: 303-347-6939
Margie Bradley BSN, RN
provides services for the following schools:
Kim Gates BSN, RN
provides services for the following schools:
Nicole Guider BSN, RN
provides services for the following schools:
Phyli Forsberg MSN, RN
provides services for the following schools:
Katie Maldonado BSN, RN, NCSN
provides services for the following schools:
Megan Pruett BSN, RN AE-C
provides services for the following schools:
COVID-19 exclusion criteria applies to both students and staff in schools and childcares:
How Sick Is Too Sick (English)
How Sick is Too Sick (Spanish)
*Please contact your school’s Nurse Consultant if you are initiating or updating a health plan for your student.
Elementary School Student Health Plans
Middle School and High School Student Health Plans
*If your student will be self-carrying and self-administering medications, a health plan is still required if the intent is for staff to be aware of your student’s health condition and if they are expected to assist in emergencies.
Severe Allergy Plan with Self Carry
Asthma Care Plan with Self Carry
Resources for Families Needing a Health Plan for Diabetes
Medication Resources
*If your student’s medications are already included in a health care plan and are signed by both the provider and parent, an additional Medication Form is not required.