Board of Education

Representing Community Interests

The Littleton Public Schools Board of Education consists of five members elected to serve, without compensation, for overlapping terms of four years. Elections are held in November every two years. The Board members serve at-large and following the election, officers are selected for president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and assistant secretary.

The Board of Education is responsible for carrying out the mandatory laws of the state and where federal and state laws do not prohibit, the Board is authorized to establish and appraise district educational activities. The Board considers its most important functions to be in the categories of:

  •  Policy development
  •  Employment of superintendent
  •  Legislative 
  •  Educational planning and appraisal
  •  Staffing and appraisal
  •  Financial resources
  •  School facilities
  •  Communications with the public
  •  Judicial

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Angela Christensen, President

Board-Appointed March–November 2021
Elected November 2021–November 2025
Voicemail: 303-347-3517

Angela Christensen, Board President, was appointed to the Board in February 2021 and was elected to her first full term in November 2021. She received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Colorado Christian University. Angela has worked in the insurance industry, local non-profits, and for the State of Colorado. She is currently in business development for a local small business. 

Over the past 13 years, Angela has devoted much of her time to volunteering within Littleton Public Schools. She has served on the PTO and School Accountability Committees at each of the elementary, middle, and high school levels. She has also served on a variety of district-level committees including: President of the PTO President’s Council, Chairperson of the Joint PTO Scholarship Committee, and member of the Financial Advisory Committee, the Littleton Public Schools Foundation, the 2020 Restart Task Force, and the Dr. Justina Ford Elementary Design Advisory Group. Most recently, Angela co-chaired the Citizens for LPS Yes on 4C Campaign which helped to successfully pass the Mill Levy Override in the fall of 2020. Angela is currently the Board liaison to the LPS Wellness Committee and Rocky Mountain School of Expeditionary Learning (RMSEL).

Originally from western Nebraska, Angela has lived in Colorado for 26 years, the last 16 of those within the boundaries of Littleton Public Schools. Angela’s children have attended Highland Elementary, Euclid Middle School, and Heritage High School. Angela is actively involved in serving the greater Littleton/Centennial community through various organizations including Nourish Meals on Wheels and the Optimist Club of Littleton. When not volunteering within the community, Angela can be found on a local trail as she is an avid long-distance runner and enjoys traveling, hiking, biking, and reading.  

Andrew Graham, Vice President

Elected November 2021–November 2025
Voicemail: 303-347-3512

Andrew Graham, Board Vice President, was elected to his first term in 2021 and is very pleased to serve the LPS community. Prior to serving on the LPS Board of Education, Andrew served as Board Chair of the South Metro Chamber of Commerce, served two terms on the Littleton Planning Commission, and was a committee member of the Visioning Committee for the EPIC Campus. Andrew is currently Board liaison to the District Accountability Committee (DAC), Advent Health Littleton Foundation, and the East Community Center.

He and his wife, Megan, have four children who all attended Wilder Elementary School and Goddard Middle School. The younger two presently attend Heritage High School, and their older children attend Purdue University and The Citadel. Andrew has been a youth leader for over 30 years and presently serves on the executive board of Scouting Colorado. He had previously served as the camping chairman overseeing the McNeil Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch and Camp Tahosa for the last decade and is recognized as an Outstanding Eagle Scout for service to our community 25 years after earning his Eagle.

Andrew is a voracious reader, hack musician, and would really like to be a Rockies fan. He received a BA from DePauw University, an Executive MBA from the University of Denver, and was certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP). Andrew is an alumnus of the Second City Theater Company, never forgetting the lighter side of serious business. When not volunteering or spending time with family, Andrew is the president and CEO of Clinic Service, a medical management company supporting local doctors, and a strategic advisor to MasterCare, a care management company focused on helping high utilizers of Medicaid find the right care at the right time.

Lindley McCrary, Treasurer

Elected November 2019–November 2027
Voicemail: 303-347-3507

Lindley McCrary, Board Treasurer, was elected to her first term in November 2019 and was re-elected to her second term in November 2023. Lindley was raised in Littleton, Colorado, and attended Littleton Public Schools. She received her Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Colorado School of Mines in 2001. She has worked in various industries throughout her career, including food and beverage, pharmaceutical and natural gas processing. 

Lindley began her volunteer work in education by serving on the Board of Directors for The Rise School of Denver, where her daughters attended preschool. As her children grew and entered elementary school, she began volunteering in other capacities, including room parent, classroom volunteer and joining the Franklin Elementary School Accountability Committee. She has also served on District Accountability Committee, Principal Search Committee for Franklin Elementary, Financial Advisory Committee, and Euclid Middle School PTO. Lindley also co-chaired the committee for the successful 2018 bond election. Lindley is currently Board liaison to Special Services Advisory Committee (SSAC) and Educational Technology Advisory Committee (ETAC).

Lindley and her husband Brandon have lived in Centennial for 21 years, and their two children have attended Franklin Elementary, Euclid Middle School, and are current students at Heritage High School. Lindley enjoys time with her family and friends, reading, snowboarding and enjoying the beauty of Colorado.

Joan Anderssen, Secretary

Elected November 2021–November 2025
Voicemail: 303-347-3509

Joan Anderssen, Board Secretary, was elected to her first term in November 2021. She teaches economics and finance at Arapahoe Community College, where she has been faculty for the past 30 years. Joan has been teaching online and hybrid courses for more than 20 years, and she is a certified Master Reviewer for, an organization dedicated to improving the quality of online learning. She is also currently the state chair for the finance and investment courses for the Colorado Community College System.

Joan has been honored with the Jerome Wartgow Technology Award from the Colorado Community College System, Educator of the Year from the eLearning Consortium of Colorado, Faculty of the Year and Distinguished Faculty from Arapahoe Community College. She enjoys serving on committees and boards that provide an opportunity to provide her expertise at both the college and state levels. At Arapahoe Community College, she has served as department chair for the economics and finance department. For the Colorado Community College System, she served on the State Faculty Curriculum Committee for ten years. Joan also served as the community college liaison to the Colorado Department of Education to support the development of financial literacy standards for the state of Colorado.

She received her bachelor's degree from Carleton College, master's degree from the University of Denver, and graduate degree from the University of Colorado. Joan worked in commercial banking as an officer of the bank for several years before moving into pensions and insurance.

Joan has lived in the Littleton Public Schools community for the past 38 years. Her two sons attended Sandburg Elementary School, Newton Middle School, and Arapahoe High School. Joan is an avid cyclist, yoga instructor, and gardener. She has two plots at the Littleton Pea Patch for over 15 years and donates much of what she grows to Meals on Wheels. Joan is currently Board liaison for Gifted and Talented Advisory Committee (GTAC) and the PTO Presidents Council (PPC).

Chérie Garcia-Kuper, Assistant Secretary

Elected November 2023–November 2027
Voicemail: 303-347-3506

Chérie Garcia-Kuper, Board Assistant Secretary, was elected to her first term in November 2023 and considers it an honor to serve the students and staff in Littleton Public Schools. Chérie was born and raised in North Denver. She attended DPS schools and graduated from Abraham Lincoln High School. Chérie is the owner of Cherie Garcia Design, a kitchen, bath, cabinetry, and construction design firm. She is also the owner of CG Logistics. 

Chérie moved her life and children from Douglas County to Centennial in 2014 so her children could attend LPS schools. Her older son is a graduate from Heritage High School, and is a recent graduate from the Colorado School of Mines. Her younger son attended Twain Elementary, Powell Middle School, and is currently a senior at Heritage High School. Chérie has nearly 20 years of public education advocacy and public school volunteer experience. She’s volunteered in various positions and capacities at both the school and district level, including the LPS District Accountability Committee, Superintendent Interview Committee, PTO Presidents’ Council, and the Construction Trades Pathway at Littleton Public Schools’ EPIC Campus. Chérie currently serves as the Vice President of Heritage High School’s PTO and she is the Board liaison to the Littleton Public Schools Foundation. Chérie is also a member and active volunteer at the Littleton Elks Lodge

When she’s not working or volunteering, Chérie enjoys spending time with her family and her two Maine Coon cats, Panchito and Vicente Fernández. She enjoys going to concerts, cooking for her family, listening and dancing to salsa music and 90s Hip Hop, singing along to mariachi music, exploring secluded areas in her Airstream, mediocrely skiing and mountain biking, and collecting Motown albums. Now that she and her husband of five years are nearly empty nesters, they hope to explore the world and finally go on their honeymoon.

Board Meetings

Board of Education meetings are open to the public. The Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, with some exceptions as noted, at the LPS Education Services Center, 5776 S. Crocker Street, Littleton, CO 80120. Times and dates are subject to change. Current Board meeting agendas can be viewed on BoardDocs.

Opportunities for the public to address the Board are a part of every regular Board of Education meeting.

2024–2025 Regular Board Meeting Dates

watch live

August 8, 2024 at East Community Center  (watch)
August 22, 2024 (watch)
September 12, 2024 (watch)
September 26, 2024 (watch)
October 10, 2024 (watch)
October 24, 2024 (watch)
November 14, 2024 (watch)
December 12, 2024 (watch)
January 9, 2025 (watch)
January 23, 2025 (watch)
February 13, 2025 (watch)
February 27, 2025 (watch)
March 13, 2025 (watch live)
April 10, 2025 (watch live)
April 24, 2025 (watch live)
May 8, 2025 (watch live)
May 21, 2025 (Wednesday) (watch live)
June 12, 2025  (watch live)
June 26, 2025 (tentative)

Board Policies, Minutes & Agendas

Board of Education Policies
Board policies can be found on the e-governance solution BoardDocs.  

Board minutes are reviewed at the regular Board meetings and do not become official until approved. The official minutes are posted on the e-governance solution BoardDocs, and are accesible by selecting the appropriate meeting date. 

Agendas and Archives
Prior to the meeting, a Board agenda is released and can be accessed through BoardDocs. For Board agendas prior to 2011, please call Central Records at 303-347-3498. Board minutes from 1881 to the present are available on BoardDocs